A retired couple from Haines Junction, Yukon recently spotted a family of one of the most elusive animals in the wild. Out for a casual drive, as they commonly do to spot and photograph wildlife, they spotted a lynx.

Immediately after spotting the lynx, Stan McKenzie pulled his car to the side of the road and soon he and his wife, Melody spotted a few more.

Image: Melody McKenzie

“By the time it was all said and done there was all the kittens and the mama and they all just came onto the road while I was standing behind the truck.” Melody told CBC News.

As the couple began snapping photographs of the majestic mother cat and her kittens, Melody recalled that they were seemingly taking a break and soaking up the sun.

lynx-family - on-yukon-highway
Image: Melody McKenzie

“During mating season they’re oblivious to everything around them but we certainly didn’t expect to see a mama and kittens and they just sat on the road and soaked up the sun a little bit.”

As cars began to approach, the couple reported that the cats casually meandered off the highway and into the nearby woods.

H/T: CBC News
Images: Melody McKenzie

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