Women Are Rocking the Outdoor World


In honor of International Women’s Day as well as marking the fact that the month of March is Women’s History Month, we wanted to take a moment to highlight how women are really rocking and rolling in the outdoor industry.

More and more women across North America are heading into the wild each and every year.  In addition to bringing a new and exciting demographic to the outdoor industry, these girls are leading the way in terms of growth.  No other demographic in the hunting and fishing industry has exploded with more vigor than women.

Here’s just a few ways women are starting to shape the outdoor industry and why that is truly an awesome thing…


Women are taking to the outdoors at a historic pace.


Female hunters are opening their wallets.  Retailers are now demanding more female-oriented clothing and accessories.


Becoming and outdoors-woman workshops are becoming more common-place.


The growth in female hunters has not been a gradual one.  They have exploded onto the outdoor industry in a relatively short period of time.


They are after the meat.  More so than men indicated in a recent survey.


They love to fish as well…

three million women across the United States identified themselves as hunters

In under 5 years, the number of female hunters more than doubled.


In addition to fishing and hunting, the shooting sports have also benefited greatly from an influx of female sharp-shooters.

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