Wentz was Hunting Geese When He Got the Call Informing Him He Would be Starting QB



The news that the Philadelphia Eagles had traded quarterback Sam Bradford to the Vikings sent shock waves through both the NFL and the city of Philadelphia.  Stepping up from the number two position on the Eagles depth chart was recently drafted rookie Carson Wentz.

Most players in this position on the eve of another season of professional football usually receive these types of phone calls when with family or friends or while catching a few extra reps in the gym.

Wentz on the other hand was taking part in another pastime he holds close to his heart: hunting.

Laid up in a ground blind awaiting a flock of geese, Wentz’s phone rang, delivering the news of both the trade and his ascent up the Eagles depth chart.

“I was laying down in a cornfield hunting,” Wentz said. “I was pretty excited.”

Despite only downing one bird on Saturday, Wentz went on to exhibit his confidence in his newly-appointed roll on the opening weekend of the NFL season this coming Sunday.

“I got the call, and I was obviously very surprised, but instantly, I was very excited,” Wentz said Monday in a press conference. “A lot of excitement going on. We quickly cleaned up and got out of there because there were so many emotions going on. I was with my family and stuff. But now, it’s down to business. I can tell you that I’m very confident and excited in this opportunity.”

Wentz headed straight to the film room in preparation for his debut against the Browns this weekend.

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