Video: Make a Bow and Arrow from Scratch


In the latest video from Primitive Technology, the author walks you through the steps necessary for constructing your very own bow and arrow from only natural materials and primitive tools he previously crafted from scratch.

The website and YouTube channel were spawned by the Aussie in an attempt to challenge himself as to how far he could go without employing modern technology.  While he is obviously well-versed in survival methods and primitive tool production, he admits he still does live in a modern home and eat modern food.  His blog and videos are simply a hobby that keeps his mind and body sharp.

He previously created a number of tools used in the video to help him create this bow and arrow including a celt stone hatchet, a stone chisel, various stone blades and fire sticks.

Image: YouTube

He then goes on to split, carve and chisel a wooden bow and a number of arrows out of a readily available wood and crafted the bow string by stripping and shedding the bark from a fast growing tree that grows in disturbed rain-forest clearings.

The author goes on to mention that the bow was relatively easy to make and at a 10 meter distance, the accuracy was better than 50 % when shooting at a rotten log target and the arrows stuck into the wood enough so that they were difficult to pull out.

Image: YouTube

He was able to shoot the bow between 200-300 and only broke the string three times.  Impressive stuff.

Watch the Video Below:

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