Video: Herd of Elk Cause a “Saskatchewan Traffic Jam”


Amanda Soulodre of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan is more than used to the idea of spotting a few elk on her way to their cottage near the aptly named Elk Ridge.  What she witnessed on her last trip, with her two children in tow, was a traffic jam like none she had ever witnessed.

While driving along Highway 264 over the weekend she was forced to stop the car and put it in park as large herd of elk crossed the highway casually ahead of her.

“In this instance there was just three times that amount, and for them to be all trying to cross the road at the same time was a really, really cool experience,” she told CBC News.

She noted that it took about 10 minutes before the final elk crossed the highway and they were able to carry on with their trip.  While the event might have delayed her slightly, she was happy to have been caught in this type of traffic jam not many others would ever get a chance to see.

“For us to be able to experience that is a truly Saskatchewan moment and I’m super excited that we live in a province where we can experience that,” she said.

“Then to be able to have seen it and be able to capture it for other people to see it second hand was really an opportunity.”

Watch the Video Below:

H/T: CBC News

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