Three Charged for Dumping Skinned, Pregnant Doe in Country Club Pool


A break has been made in the disturbing story of a pregnant whitetail doe that was killed, skinned and dumped into the pool of a country club.

Three individuals have been identified and are now facing multiple charges stemming from the incident that took place earlier in the month at a Williamson, Tennessee country club.  Stephen Scott Ross, 20 of Nashville and Samuel Perry Bland, 18, of Franklin along with a juvenile whose name was not released have been charged.

Among the pending charges are hunting from a motor vehicle, shooting from/across a public road, hunting big game in a closed season, illegal possession, spotlighting deer, aggravated criminal littering, criminal trespassing, and vandalism.  Additionally, Ross and Bland are facing charges of contributing to the delinquency of a minor.

According to reports, the two were identified after receiving multiple tips and eventually confessed to Williamson County wildlife officer Cody Butler.


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