Poachers That Shot Up Herd of Washington Elk Still At Large


In what was called one of the most ‘egregious poaching’ cases in the Pacific Northwest, a small herd of elk in Washington State were gunned down in early November, their carcasses left to rot.  With no attempt to salvage either meat or antlers from any of the deceased animals, the incident left hunters and wildlife […]

Wolf Management Officials Receive Death Threats Over Wolf Control


  After 12 cattle depredations in only six weeks, Washington’s Profanity Peak wolf pack has been qualified for removal under the state’s lethal take policy.  As the news of the pack’s imminent doom broke, opponents took to the defensive the only way they know how: by issuing death threats. Despite the fact that the potential […]

Hacker Hits Fish & Game Databases in Four States


  Hunting and fishing license holders in Idaho, Oregon, Washington and Kentucky were put on notice regarding a computer hack that halted online license sales in the four states earlier in the week. A hacker, referring to himself as Mr. High, boasted of accessing the personal information of upwards of 6.5 million people in the […]

More Antlerless Whitetail Restrictions Proposed in Washington


  Earlier this spring the Washington Fish and Wildlife Commission reduced the number of hunting days for antlerless deer for youth, seniors and hunters with disabilities.  These reductions coming after state biologists estimated high losses of whitetail deer in some areas of the state. The shrinking number of whitetails in Washington is believed to have […]

VIDEO: Deer Saved from Mud by Hunter & Excavator Operator


Bill Davis of Washington State posted a video to his Facebook page that has caught the internet’s attention.  In the video it shows a young deer that has found itself in somewhat of a sticky situation. Drowing in soft mud, Davis utilized the backhoe he was driving to safely extract the black tail deer. “Found […]

Washington State Wolf Populations up 32%


The most recent population survey completed in Washington displays at least four new packs of wolves roaming the state.  The number of wolves still increased by 32 percent last year despite a number of deaths among the population and shows no sign of slowing down. Seven wolves were believed to have been killed in various […]

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