South Dakota Officials Propose Increase in Elk Tags to Battle CWD


As the battle against the deadly chronic wasting disease (CWD) heats up in hotspots across America, the South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks Department is taking the proper precautions to protect their natural resources. Establishing a new antlerless elk hunting unit in the Custer State Park region, officials believe this will give them additional data […]

South Dakota Approves Sage Grouse Season


  The South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks Commission has approved a sage grouse hunting season for this fall, giving hunters in the state the chance to chase these upland birds for the first time since 2012. After a concerted effort from 11 western states, non-government organizations and federal agencies prevented the sage grouse from […]

South Dakota Kicks off Fawn Collaring Project


  In an attempt to assess the survivability of local newborn deer, South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks biologists have kicked their collaring project into high gear.  The program aims to collar around 150 newborn fawns, arming state wildlife officials with pertinent information they will use to determine population estimates and the number of tags […]

South Dakota Proposes More Deer Tags for Hunters This Fall


  After a number of consecutive harsh winters, South Dakota’s whitetail deer population is starting to rebound in a big way and state wildlife officials tabled proposals last week that would increase the number of available deer tags in 2016. “We’ve had some very nice, mild winters that we think equate to good news for […]

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