USC Trustee Fined $75K for Executing Hawks on his Plantation


  Charles Williams, a University of South Carolina board of trustees member plead guilty after he was charged with baiting and trapping rare red-tailed hawks using pigeons and then executing the raptors using his pistol. The bizarre charges came after a 2013 investigation was launched at Williams’ plantation when the South Carolina Department of Natural […]

Sons of Fallen Police Officer Receive Lifetime Fishing, Hunting Licenses


  Officer Allen Jacobs of the Greenville Police Department was shot and killed in April of this year after trying to reason with an armed man who had just been released from prison. After a pursuit, the young man opened fire on Jacobs and another officer, hitting Jacobs multiple times and eventually turning his weapon […]

South Carolina Proposes Bounty for Coyotes


A program proposed by the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources is allocating $12,000 worth of bounties in hopes of stopping the spread of coyotes in the state.  The program outlines the plan to tag and release a minimum of 12 coyotes across the state and offer hunters who are able to kill one of […]