Ontario Couple Charged After Shooting Deer Decoy


After setting up a number of deer decoys in broad daylight on a private piece of land outside of Thunder Bay, Ontario, conservation officers witness a local couple shoot the decoy from across a roadway. It was stated in court that the couple drove past the decoy in the field and then walked back along […]

Marine Unit Rescues Deer from Frozen Lake Simcoe


Three deer fell through the thin ice on Lake Simcoe, just north of Toronto, Ontario on Monday and the York Regional Police performed a heroic rescue. YRP Marine Unit saving two deer that fell through the thin ice on Lake Simcoe. Stay off the ice, it is not safe pic.twitter.com/gBeapSINXc— York Regional Police (@YRP) March […]

Bill C-246 Could Spell Legal Trouble for Hunters, Trappers and Anglers


Passed in the Canadian House of Commons in February by Nathaniel Erskine-Smith, a Liberal MP in Toronto, Bill C-246, or The Modernizing Animal Protections Act has great potential to be harmful for those in the animal-use community. The bill was tabled originally by Erskine-Smith in an attempt to bring Canada’s animal welfare laws “into the […]

Lion Put Down After Escaping Zoo in Eastern Ontario


Authorities were called to the Papanack Zoo in Wendover, Ontario, just east of Canada’s capital city of Ottawa on Sunday evening and found a male African White lion roaming freely around the park’s entrance. Police attempted to help the owners of the park to contain the animal for about an hour, but when the risk […]

Ontario Announces Spring Bear Hunt Expansion


Province Committed to Sustainable Black Bear Management February 19, 2016 12:15 P.M. Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry Ontario is expanding the spring bear hunting pilot to gather further information to assess concerns voiced by northern communities about human-bear conflicts, and to support economic growth and tourism in the north. The spring bear hunt pilot […]

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