Fired Up Moose Attacks Hunter Who Shot Him Twice


If you have ever encountered the largest species of the deer family, there is no questioning their size and brute strength. Weighing upwards of 1,500+ pounds, these majestic animals are a treat to behold and even more stunning to hunt. That said, much like any other big game mammal, they deserve all the respect in […]

University Researcher Suggests Hunting Would Help BC’s Ailing Caribou


University of Alberta researcher Robert Serrouya has a solution to restoring British Columbia’s ailing caribou populations, and it isn’t calling for the additional culling of wolves. While wolves remain plentiful on the BC landscape and their numbers require sound management, Serrouya has investigated additional conservation solutions to restore caribou populations.  As the culling or hunting […]

Alaska Officials Asking Public to Report Mule Deer Sightings


It’s no secret to most that mule deer are travelers, often migrating thousands of miles in search of better climate and more feeding options.  In somewhat of an unprecedented migration or travel route, mule deer are beginning to show up in the Alaskan interior, a place not typically known for mule deer, but one that […]

Moose Meat and Bear Penises: New Brunswick Poacher Slapped with $15K in Fines


  A Plaster Rock, NB man seemingly had it all, hundreds of pounds of moose and bear meat and other obscure animal parts including the bones from five bear penises.  His collection was uncovered during a 2015 investigation spanning over 60 separate wildlife violation charges that were spawned after six Canadians and two Americans were […]

Cutting Ontario Moose Tags Will Not Solve Declining Populations


  Earlier this year, a Canadian wildlife advocacy group made headlines, calling for an end to Ontario’s calf moose hunt.  Citing declining populations, the group believes that removing future breeders – calves in this case – will prove to be catastrophic for the province’s moose populations. While in theory, the sentiment makes sense.  If a […]

Long Winter Making for Cranky Alaska Moose


  With reports spread across the Last Frontier of aggressive moose, officials from the Alaska Department of Fish and Game are asking visitors and residents to back off of the local moose population.  Like many of us, moose begin to grow tired of the trials and tribulations of winter, causing them to become more aggressive […]

$4,000 in Fines for Men Who Jumped on the Back of a Swimming Moose


  Two British Columbia men who made headlines in the summer of 2014 when they released a YouTube video depicting a boatload of passengers approaching a swimming moose and then jumping on its back have been charged for their actions. Bradley Dale Crook and Jaysun Allan Pinkerton, both of Fort St. John appeared in a […]

Alaska Biologists Reaching Out to the Public to Help Count Anchorage Moose


  Anchorage wildlife biologists are trying to get a handle on the city’s moose population and for the first time, are reaching out to the public for help. While aerial surveys are typically the best method for assessing moose populations across North America, doing such within a city such as Anchorage comes with a number […]

Vermont and New Hampshire Moose Tags Face Big Cuts


  Sharp reductions in moose permits in both New Hampshire and Vermont are being proposed ahead of the 2017 hunting seasons in both states. Believed to be caused by shorter, warmer winters, the area’s moose populations have been struggling, to say the least.  Over the past decade or so, the moose populations in both states […]

Idaho Moose Ends Up in Residential Basement


  As deep snow continues to move wildlife closer to residential areas in Idaho this winter, humans, and wildlife are once again intersecting. After toxic, residential shrubs were to blame for the death of 50 pronghorn and eight elk this month, another large mammal has gotten a little too close for comfort. On Saturday night, […]

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