Montana CWD Hunt Sells Out in 3 Hours


If there was ever a doubt Montana and area hunters would pass up an opportunity to extend their hunt while aiding in the fight against chronic wasting disease, it’s long since passed. As part of a special CWD hunt, set to kick off on Friday, Montana officials released 1,200 special B hunting licenses for sale […]

Special CWD Mule Deer Hunt Proposed by Montana FWP


Following two confirmed cases of chronic wasting disease (CWD), Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks has released the details on a special CWD mule deer hunt. Awaiting the approval of the Fish and Wildlife Commission, the hunt is a key piece of Montana’s chronic wasting disease plan that is still in the draft process. Labelled as […]

10-Years of Poaching Leads to Charges for Twin Brothers


While seemingly proving science’s theory that twins have near identical brainwave patterns, Montana officials have finally put the hurt on a pair of twin brothers after a lengthy investigation. Trophy-Caliber Charges Concentrating their efforts around a Fergus County ranch, investigators believe the two brothers spent the better part of ten years illegally killing trophy-caliber elk. […]

Montana Hunter Expedites Oregon’s First Case of CWD by Importing Infected Carcass


The spread of chronic wasting disease is something fish and game departments across North America are trying desperately to slow. When it comes to transmission from animal to animal, the disease can spread at an alarming rate but not as quickly as when aided via motor vehicle transfer. Fuel-Injected (or Carbureted) Importation The state of […]

Montana Officials Identify Suspects After Eight Mule Deer Found Illegally Shot with Shotgun


Early Sunday morning Block Management Technician Dave Walter received a tip that would eventually lead local game warden Todd Tryan to a gruesome scene. Scattered across an approximate two-mile radius, Trynan uncovered eight dead or mortally injured mule deer, including two pregnant does, one deathly injured fawn and 22 spent 12-gauge shells. “I’ve seen senseless […]

Montana Officials Seeking Information Regarding Two Poached Elk


As most of us eagerly set out into the woods during this cherished time of year, tag in hand, there are still, unfortunately, those that operate with brazen ignorance to both the laws and the management of wildlife. This month, officials with Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks made two separate discoveries of illegally killed bull […]

Elk Hunter Survives Grizzly Attack

A man lay in a hospital bed recovering from his injuries Tuesday morning after bugling in more than a burly bull elk. Hunting near the Dry Gulch, Cascade Creek area in southwestern Montana, Tom Sommer and a friend were doing their best to call in a bull elk when they stumbled across a grizzly bear […]

Despite Tough Winter, Montana’s Deer Populations Above Average


A warm fall quickly followed by one of the harshest winters in recent memory led hunters and state biologists in Montana to believe that the effects would be catastrophic for Montana’s deer populations. Turns out, they were wrong. Except for the northwest portion of the state, mule deer in Montana escaped the year relatively unscathed […]

Late Shoulder Elk Season Approved West of Bozeman


As an elk herd continues to move north, state wildlife officials have approved the creation of a late shoulder hunting season in the region. Following a barrage of complaints from landowners, the hunt was approved for 2017-2018 in the northern portion of Hunting District 311.  Under the new regulations, hunters will be able to target […]

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