Missouri Hunter Harvests 14-Point Doe

Rare circumstances allowed for a truly unique hunting experience for one Missouri hunter after he harvested a 14-point deer that turned out to be a doe. Following the deer for a few months on his property in Clearmont, Eric Howard stated that trail camera footage he had collected made this deer his target for this […]

Pair of Missouri Poachers Face Jail Time, Nearly $20k in Fines


PRATT, KS (Release) – Hunter BOTTCHER, 20, Otterville MO, and Samuel Hawieson, 20, Sedalia MO appeared in the Pratt County District Court on October 24, 2017 where they each pleaded guilty to seven separate Kansas wildlife violations, including Criminal Hunting, Hunting with the Aid of Artificial Light, Hunting with the Aid of a Motor Vehicle, […]

Missouri expands deer feeding ban to 41 counties in response to CWD

The Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) has expanded restrictions on feeding deer and placing minerals for deer from 29 to 41 counties throughout the state, effective July 1. The goal of the expanded feeding ban is to help limit the spread of chronic wasting disease (CWD). The 41 counties comprise MDC’s CWD Management Zone. MDC […]

Missouri Hunters for Fair Chase Seeking Changes on the Captive Deer Industry


With a heavy focus on containing the spread of the fatal chronic wasting disease inside Missouri’s borders, a local fair chase advocacy group is petitioning the captive breeding industry in the show-me state. With the disease continuing to spread in many areas of the country, much of the focus has turned to the captive breeding […]

Missouri Forecasts Good Spring Turkey Season for Hunters


  JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. – Missouri turkey hunters can expect a good spring season overall according to the Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC). The spring turkey hunting season starts with a youth-only weekend April 8-9. The regular spring season runs April 17 through May 7. Although four consecutive years of poor hatches caused Missouri’s turkey […]

Saliva Found on Elk Carcass Confirms First Female Mountain Lion in Missouri Since 1994


  After analyzing a saliva sample left on a dead elk in Shannon County, Missouri, the state’s Department of Conservation confirmed the first female mountain lion in Missouri since 1994. The cat believed to originate in the Black Hills of Wyoming, South Dakota and Northwest Nebraska marks a significant find as female mountain lions typically […]

Missouri Plans Hog Hunting Ban


  What might initially seem as a counter-intuitive move by state officials, the Missouri Department of Conservation is planning to ban the hunting of feral hogs on state land with newly enacted rules. At a hearing earlier this week, officials laid out their plan which they believe will give them a better chance at trapping […]

Missouri Poacher Slapped with $99.50 Fine For Killing Black Bear

  Wait, what? $99.50. That’s all is cost 40-year-old Chris Keown to illegally shoot a black bear using his muzzle-loader earlier in the month.  Acting on a number of tips from the state’s Operation Game Thief, conservation agents conducted a thorough investigation and gathered pertinent evidence used to charge Keown. He was eventually cited for […]

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