Two More Minnesota Deer with CWD; Feeding Bans Instituted


After a pair of deer was confirmed to have chronic wasting disease inside a Minnesota breeding facility, the state has now announced that another two deer have tested positive for the disease. If these deer do in fact test positive for the disease, the statewide total will rise to five positive cases in a state […]

CWD Strikes Again: Minnesota Deer Farm Quarantined by State


  In yet another case of chronic wasting disease among captive deer facilities, the Minnesota Board of Animal Health has hit a deer farm in Crow Wing County with a quarantine order.  The facility, which is home to 33 mule deer and 100 whitetail deer, has been ordered not to allow either the entrance or […]

Fawn Sightings on the Rise in Minnesota


  More encouraging news surrounding survival rates in whitetail fawns and deer as a whole is coming out of the state of Minnesota after state wildlife officials are reporting multiple fawn sightings across the northeastern region of the state. Following a relatively mild winter, single fawns and twin fawns sightings are becoming more of a […]

Minnesota Wildlife Officials Concerned About Decline in Hunting and Fishing


  The land of 10,000 lakes, Minnesota is known by most as an angler and hunter’s paradise.  Boasting some of the nation’s top fishing and hunting activities, Minnesota‘s Department of Natural Resources is growing concerned with the ever-growing decline in participation among anglers and hunters in the North Star state. While license sales in the […]

Minnesota Pumps $300K into Elk Restoration Study


Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton signed a bill  earlier in the week that will provide $300,000 in funding toward a study to determine if elk can be restored into the eastern region of the state. The Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation has also kicked in $15K along with another $15K from the Fond du Lac Band of […]

Minnesota Poaching Case Involving 28 Deer is Dismissed


In a case that has become well known around the state of Minnesota due to the sheer number of deer poached has been thrown out by District Judge Thomas Van Hon. In January 2015, Joshua Liebl, along with three other men were charged after officials executed a search warrant on Liebl’s home and uncovered 28 […]

Minnesota Proposes Allowing to Night Vision to Hunt Coyotes


While strongly supported by some members of the hunting community, a new proposal that aims to allow the use of night vision goggles for hunting coyotes is facing opposition from the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. The proposed bill would allow hunters in the state of Minnesota to use night vision or thermal imaging equipment […]

Minnesota Considering Making Poaching a Felony


Poaching is something we hear about all too often, in my humble opinion and the state of Minnesota is looking to increase the penalty for poaching animals. The amount of hunting citations and warnings in the state of Minnesota increased by 35% in 2015 and is a driving force behind the push for harsher penalties […]

Lead Ammo Proposal Leads to Debate Among Minnesota Hunters


Covering what is referred to as the ‘farmland zone’ of the state of Minnesota, wildlife officials are proposing a ban on certain types of lead ammunition on state-owned hunting lands in the zone covering the southern portion of the state. Given the prairie-type swaths of land in the southern portion of the state, the DNR […]

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