Two Louisiana Men Who Imported Deer from CWD Farm Plead Guilty


After a thorough investigation, a pair of Louisiana men were charged with conspiring to illegally smuggle deer by officials from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Cited for a number of Lacey Act violations, the two men; Edward L. Donaldson Jr., 75 and John Jared Oertling, 42, were in court this week where they entered […]

Louisiana Dentist Arrows Potential Record Whitetail


Eighteen points, three drop tines and a third main beam are just a few of the attributes being discussed surrounding a buck that has caught the nation’s attention down in Louisiana. It is what many believe to be the next state record archery buck, and was taken by a St. Francisville dentist by the name […]

Two Louisiana Men Face Charges for Importing CWD Deer into Louisiana, Mississippi


Chronic wasting disease is arguably the number one threat to deer populations in North America today and a pair of Louisiana men put additional animals at risk when they imported live deer from Pennsylvania to game farms in Mississipi and Lousiana. Following a lengthy investigation, officials from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service reported that […]

Reality TV Hunting Show Star Sentenced for Poaching in Wyoming


With an expectation to perform, the need for those who operate within the wildly competitive hunting television world to question their morals can often come into play.  Such was the case in an incident that involved reality TV star Billy A. Buspice Jr. while filming for his show Wildgame Nation which airs on the Outdoor […]

Louisiana Wildlife Agent That Was Shot Five Times Released from Hospital


  Senior Agent Tyler Wheeler, 25, of Monroe, was shot a total of five times on January 7th  and, miraculously was released from the LSU Health Shreveport Trauma Center last week. The incident, which took place during a routine motor vehicle stop, was a near death experience for the officer who is now talking and […]

Louisiana Wildlife Agent Shot Multiple Times, in Stable Condition


  During a vehicle stop at 2:06 a.m. on January 7, Senior Agent Tyler Wheeler of the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Enforcement Division suffered multiple gunshot wounds. The 25 year-old father of one took a total of five gun shots, one in the temple, one in the shoulder and a pair of shots […]

Louisiana’s Annual December Aerial Waterfowl Survey Highest Since 1999


  Duck hunters in the great state of Louisiana have been treated to a fruitful end-of-year after the results of the annual December aerial waterfowl survey were released. The survey revealed a whopping 3.61 million estimated ducks in the state, a number that has not been that high for 17 years.  As the states in […]

Two Louisiana Men Cited for Hunting at Night, Illegally Selling Deer Meat


  After receiving an anonymous tip from a St. Helena Parish resident, Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (LDWF) agents launched a month-long investigation into a number of alleged wildlife violations. On December 19th, Sgt. Toby Miller of LDFW was able to question Rogelio Perez, 52, at his residence regarding a pair of deer he […]

Louisiana Considers Ban on Out-of-State Deer Carcasses


  Twenty three states are now home to confirmed cases of chronic wasting disease and the state of Louisiana is taking the necessary steps it hopes will keep the disease out of the state’s cervid population. The fatal disease that affects deer, elk, moose and other cervids has grown rapidly over the past few years […]

Watch: Dad and Daughter Duo Reel in Alligator While Fishing


  A Louisiana man was looking to spend some quality time on the lake fishing with his daughter earlier this week, but the pair ended up catching a little more than catfish. After setting up camp at Lake Fausse Point State Mark in Martinville, Louisiana, the father and daughter duo set out in their kayak […]

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