Gun Sales Up, Accidental Gun Deaths Down


  The headline really says it all, much to the demise of the anti-gun rally.  A new report filed by the National Safety Council, an organization whose trademarked slogan reads “Eliminating Preventable Deaths,” shows that the number of fatal accidents involving firearms dropped to an all time low. Fatal firearms accidents declined by 17 percent […]

Oklahoma City Provides Free Gun Locks to Curb Accidental Shootings


  Oklahoma City officials alongside advocates from Project ChildSafe Communities launched a federally-funded campaign to get gun locks into the hands of gun owners. Project ChildSafe, a program of the National Shooting Sports Foundation, is a national firearm safety education program that has distributed more than 37 million firearm safety kits that include a gun […]

NY Man Accused of Bribing Cops to Expedite Gun Permits


  In case you were worried about it, corruption is alive and well in New York City. Earlier in the month Alex Lichtenstein was indicted on charges of bribing NYPD officers working in the department’s Firearms Licensing Division.  The indictment coming after Lichtenstein was able to secure upwards of two dozen carry permits for a […]

Infographic: 5 Things More Likely to Kill You Than a Firearm


The Gateway Law team down in San Diego, California has crafted an interesting infographic with help from the National Safety Council.  The graphic illustrates, for those of us who think about the chances of dying under any given number of circumstances, how likely we are to die from some of the leading causes of death. […]

What the Inside of Different Guns Look Like When They Are Fired


The folks over at the YouTube channel C&Rsenal know what they are doing when it comes to firearms.  They produce descriptive videos about historical military small arms from around the world and have a great way of illustrating the functionality and engineering prowess that went in to manufacturing these weapons. Utilizing x-ray animations, they give […]

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