Oregon State Police Looking for Information About Poached Bull Elk


Last weekend officials with the Oregon State Police Fish & Wildlife Division were notified of a dead bull elk on the Silvies Valley Ranch property in central Oregon. Discovered by an employee of the ranch, OSP officers responded immediately and uncovered the animal that appeared to have been shot by a high-powered rifle and left […]

Possible Nebraska Record Elk Arrowed by Bowhunter


Perhaps waiting as patiently as he had done to get an opportunity to hunt elk, Nebraska hunter John Rickard is awaiting the official score of his Nebraska elk taken earlier this month. As dictated by official scoring agencies, Rickard’s 6×6 elk antlers are currently waiting out the 60-day drying process in the basement of his […]

Two Women Hospitalized, Elk Euthanized After Attack


In the second story in as many weeks involving a rutting bull elk and innocent bystanders has surfaced, this time out of Estes Park, Colorado. The western town, known for it’s booming population of elk who often roam the town’s streets made headlines last week after reports surfaced of an aggressive bull attacking a pair […]

Small Plane Crashes into Two Elk During Landing


In a rare incident, a pilot and his passenger in a small single-engine plane struck a pair of elk just moments after touching down on an airstrip on the Oregon Coast. Pilot Todd Rudberg, 49, and his passenger Valeria Villacin, 43, had just touched down at the Nehalem Bay State Park airstrip at 5:14 p.m. […]

Pair of Bull Elk Euthanized After Charging Incidents


Officials with Parks Canada announced that two bull elk in Canada’s Banff National Park have been put down after two separate charging incidents during the last week of August. While typically not a threat to humans for much of the year, bull elk can get awfully territorial this time of year as these large animals […]

Idaho Fish and Game Predicts Lower Mule Deer Harvest in 2017


The bad news surrounding last year’s harsh winter continues in Idaho as many begin preparations for this year’s upcoming hunts, despite the recent good news coming out of neighboring Montana. As most already know, the conditions experienced across much of the American West last winter have taken a toll on deer populations as biologists attempt […]

Elk Hunting on Colorado’s Rabbit Mountain Set to Begin in September


The announcement of a limited elk hunt on Boulder County’s Rabbit Mountain was made back in June as population levels have gone through the roof in recent years. Only a decade ago, there were an estimated 25 elk residing on the mountain, fast forward to present day and biologists are pegging the population of elk […]

Oregon Officials Looking for Poachers Who Illegally Killed Cow Elk


Oregon State Police Fish and Wildlife Division is reaching out to the public for assistance in locating the individual or individuals responsible for killing a cow elk in Douglas County. Last weekend, police were notified about a dead cow elk that was found in an open field located close to a major roadway.  Investigating officers […]

Trophy Elk Euthanized After Wandering into CWD Management Area


HARRISBURG, PA (RELEASE) – The Pennsylvania Game Commission today announced a trophy bull elk that wandered south of Interstate 80 and into a chronic-wasting disease (CWD) management area was euthanized by an agency wildlife conservation officer to ensure it would not bring CWD back to the elk range. The 8- by 9-point bull has been […]

Mining Company and Conservation Groups Partner to Protect Habitat


A crucial migration route for Yellowstone elk and the waters of a pair of Yellowstone River tributaries have been placed under protection celebrated by a signing ceremony on Thursday. Members from Kinross Gold, a Toronto-based mining company and officials from both the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation and Trout Unlimited made the protections official yesterday in […]

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