Missouri Hunters for Fair Chase Seeking Changes on the Captive Deer Industry


With a heavy focus on containing the spread of the fatal chronic wasting disease inside Missouri’s borders, a local fair chase advocacy group is petitioning the captive breeding industry in the show-me state. With the disease continuing to spread in many areas of the country, much of the focus has turned to the captive breeding […]

Canadian National Park Considering Hunting to Manage Elk Herds


Surrounded by fencing, Elk Island National Park just outside of Edmonton, Alberta is facing a conundrum of sorts regarding the growing populations of its enclosed wildlife.  As elk, moose and bison populations continue to flourish in the park, officials are growing concerned about the effect the amount of grazing is having on the ecosystem. The […]

Wisconsin’s “Save Our Deer Act” Aims to Contain CWD-Infected Farms


With much of the spotlight being placed as of late on captive deer breeding facilities around the country, lawmakers in Wisconsin are ramping up their efforts to contain the disease on these types of farms with a history of chronic wasting disease. Sponsors of LRB 2277, Nick Milroy (D-South Range) and Dana Wachs (D-Eau Claire) say the […]

No Sign of Chronic Wasting in New Hampshire Whitetails


[et_pb_section bb_built=”1″ admin_label=”section”][et_pb_row admin_label=”row”][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text admin_label=”Text”]   Good news coming out of New Hampshire as monitoring data gathered by the state’s Fish and Game Department exhibited no evidence of chronic wasting disease in the state’s whitetail deer population. Testing a total of 268 tissue samples collected during 2016’s hunting seasons as part of a nationwide […]

New York CWD Free for 11th Straight Year


  With confirmed cases rising in other areas of the country, the state of New York’s deer population is, once again, clear of chronic wasting disease, according to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC). The disease, which fatally attacks whitetail deer, elk, moose, and reindeer have not been detected in the Empire […]

Wyoming Mule Deer Diagnosed with Chronic Wasting Disease


  The Wyoming Game and Fish Department has diagnosed chronic wasting disease (CWD) in a mule deer doe that was found dead near Pinedale. As part of its CWD Management Plan, Game and Fish increased CWD monitoring on and around the state’s elk feedgrounds and big game winter ranges this year. To accomplish this goal, […]

Another Captive Deer in Pennsylvania Tests Positive for CWD


  A second deer has tested positive for chronic wasting disease in just a three month period in the state of Pennsylvania.  The fatal disease was once again discovered within one of the state’s captive breeding facilities, which have come under fire as of recent. As concerns continue to mount surrounding the disease, agencies, hunters […]

Michigan Game Rancher Collected Deer Heads from Amish Butcher for CWD Testing


  A Michigan game ranch came under investigation in late January after a pair of deer heads submitted for chronic wasting disease (CWD) testing came back positive.  The ranch, located in Mecosta County, was immediately quarantined, marking the second case of CWD being found in a farmed deer facility since 2008. “Any discovery of chronic […]

Chronic Wasting Disease Found in Free-Ranging Whitetail for First Time in State History


  While confirmed cases of chronic wasting disease(CWD) among whitetail deer do exist in the great state of Texas, in the past they have been reserved for deer housed in breeding facilities, until now. The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) announced Wednesday that they have detected the degenerative disease in a hunter harvested 1 […]

Two North Dakota Deer Test Positive for CWD


A mule deer doe and a mule deer buck taken during the 2016 deer gun season from unit 3F2 in southwestern North Dakota have tested positive for chronic wasting disease, according to Dr. Dan Grove, wildlife veterinarian for the State Game and Fish Department. Since 2009, the total now stands at nine deer to test […]

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