Pro-Gun YouTube Account Terminated Twice Without Warning


With close to two million subscribers, the channel hosted by “Hickok45” has been terminated twice without any warnings from the popular video uploading website. The terminations both took place in January and while the channel is currently live again on YouTube, Hickok45 is opting to move his content to a more gun-friendly outlet. is home to many of the internet’s top gun enthusiasts in the site’s dedication to providing shooting enthusiast with quality content and a friendly and welcoming community. In light of the recent terminations by YouTube, Hickok45 has opted to host is content on the Full30 platform in addition to his popular YouTube channel.

The Tennessee native has stated that he will continue to utilize the YouTube platform for as long as they will allow him to, but will also post to Full30 on a continuing basis as well.

View his most recent video on here:

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