Pa. Conservation Officer Fatally Shot Man Who Assaulted, Tried to Drown Him


Details about the harrowing tale of a deadly confrontation between a Pennsylvania Conservation Officer and another man are beginning to surface.

According to reports, a state Fish and Boat Commission officer was on patrol when he came into contact with another man along the Susquehanna River in Plymouth Township.  From that point, details are still being released but it is believed that an altercation quickly broke out between the two men.

“For some reason, a fight ensued with that male. The officer was struck repeatedly and so far the evidence tends to indicate that there may have been an attempt to drown that officer. The officer discharged his weapon. He struck the individual who is now deceased,” Assistant District Attorney Sam Sanguedolce told the Times Leader.

While state police have little reason to believe any others were involved in the altercation, the investigation at this point is still fluid.

Neighbors reported seeing the officer bleeding from the head after suffering injuries sustained from the attack.  Sanguedolce also stated that while the investigation is still underway, there was evidence that a weapon was used against the officer and the deceased attempted to drown the officer during the struggle.

During the attack, the conservation officer was able to draw his weapon and dispatch his attacker. The body of the deceased; Sean Bohinski, 37, was later removed from the scene by authorities.

“You know anytime an officer whether it be State Police, local police or in this case, Fish and Boat Commission, they’re there to enforce the law. When they’re attacked, it’s an attack on all of us. So we take the cases very seriously as we do any case,” said Sanguedolce.

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