Obscure Study Finds Majority of Women Are Attracted to Men Holding Fish


While showing off your hard-earned six-pack is one way to pique the interest of vying females, a recent, yet unscientific study has found another pose to be nearly 50 percent more effective.

The study conducted by Fishbrain, a fishing app, analyzed Tinder profiles and accompanying photos of 18-to-35-year-old men in the state of Florida.  What they found was that about 22 percent of those men’s photos depicted them posing with a recently-caught fish.

Digging a little deeper, the team decided to make things more interesting by polling more than 1,000 college sorority members, asking for their opinions on the study’s findings.  Of those polled, 46 percent of the women said they fancied the men holding the fish, opposed to those going fish-less.

“Lean, powerful, and independent, it could be interpreted that a Sailfish in a man’s dating profile hints at athleticism, fitness, and free-spiritedness,” Fishbrain wrote in a blog post.

Everything being equal, this study was conducted in Florida of all places.  A sunny location, bursting with tanned smiles and adequate year-round fishing opportunities.  Those of us spending the majority of our time “up north” might have a slightly more difficult time swaying the local girls with our frozen walleye and ice shacks, as regal as they might be.

If, however, you reside in a sunny coastal region, or are swiping on Tinder during the summer months, grab your catch and smile.  In addition to cementing some unbeatable memories, you might just reel in the girl of your dreams.

I wouldn’t bet the boat on it though.


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