NWTF Releases Their 2016 Spring Hunt Guide


With April right around the corner many of us already have turkeys on the mind. With this in mind, the trustworthy folks over at the National Wild Turkey Federation (NWTF) have compiled their Spring Hunt Guide to help members and turkey-hunting enthusiasts save time and prepare for opening morning in their home state.

The NWTF has been compiling this list for decades, but this year’s guide provides two separate sets of data: The 2014 spring wild turkey populations across the country and the 2014 spring harvest rates as reported by each state. The reason why the data is only as recent as 2014 is that 2014 is the most recent year with nearly complete data, which the NWTF hopes gives turkey hunters the most accurate snapshot of the status of wild turkeys across the country.

Click here to have a look at this year’s Spring Hunt Guide on the NWTF website.

The NWTF also wants everyone to know that while this information is quite comprehensive, they always recommend double-checking with the regulations in your state before heading out on a turkey hunt this spring.

Happy hunting out there, folks!

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