New York State Proposes Fluorescent Pink as Hunting Color


Following similar efforts in other states such as Colorado, New York State is jumping on the pink-for-hunting train as well. A new bill set forth by Republican Sen. Patty Ritchie would allow teenage hunters and their adult companions the option of donning fluorescent pink when they descend on the woods for a hunt this fall.

“(By) giving young hunters and those accompanying them the choice to wear fluorescent pink instead of orange, more women may be encouraged to join in this time-honored tradition,” according to a memo attached to Ritchie’s bill.

Ritchie believes that laws such as this one, when passed, will make hunting more attractive to young, female residents in the state of New York. The same was believed earlier this year when legislation was passed in Wisconsin, giving hunters the option to wear fluorescent pink when in the field.

The prospective legislation does have its opponents. Sarah Ingle, president of the Wisconsin-based Women’s Hunting and Sporting Association calls the bill and others like it “insulting.”

“I find it offensive,” Ingle said. “We don’t think that a color will get anyone involved in hunting. It’s insulting to say that a woman would be that lacking in intelligence that a color would make them want to do something.”

According to a spokeswoman for Sen. Ritchie, she has been an avid hunter her whole life and it is something she proudly continues to do with her daughter.

“This bill is about empowering young girls, helping them make a statement that hunting is not a man’s sport,” Sarah Compo, the spokeswoman told Press Connects. “It’s growing in popularity among women across the country.”

H/T: Press Connects

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