Nevada Bighorns Unlimited Adds $10k to Reward for Nevada Mule Deer Poaching Case


Since September, nine mule deer have been recovered by Nevada wildlife officials, all believed to have been killed illegally.  Eight of those animals were believed to have been killed during a three week period in the state’s Spring Mountains.  The ninth case was uncovered towards the end of November, with the animal’s head partially removed, but state officials have stated they do not believe the two incidents to be related.

Immediately following the poaching of the original eight mule deer, an $8,000 reward was released by the Nevada Department of Wildlife, a figure that has since been bolstered.

It was announced that now an additional $10,000donation had been secured from Nevada Bighorns Unlimited, bringing the reward total to $18,000 for information leading to an arrest, one of the largest rewards ever offered within the state of Nevada for a wildlife violation.

Nevada Bighorns Unlimited

“If we don’t do anything, we’re not any better in a lot of respects, so we want to make sure this individual or individuals get caught,” Andrew MacKay of Nevada Bighorns Unlimited said in a podcast on Friday.

The case remains on-going and is one that has quickly spread across the nation, enraging sportsmen across the United States.




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