Nebraska Man Bags a Trophy Buck and a Trophy Wife This Deer Season

When it comes to multi-tasking, one Nebraska man is not messy around. They say a true mark of a man is knowing what he wants and going after it, and when it comes to bucks and brides, 32-year-old Cole Bures did just that.

When it comes to multi-tasking, one Nebraska man is not messy around. They say a true mark of a man is knowing what he wants and going after it, and when it comes to bucks and brides, 32-year-old Cole Bures did just that.

Accompanying his longtime girlfriend on a hunt is nothing new for Bures. He and Samantha Camenzind have been chasing whitetails since they met and admit that hunting is something that the pair bonded over early on in their relationship.

The couple had been watching a nice looking buck on trail camera leading up to this year’s hunt. Looking forward to coming face-to-face with the animal, the couple headed out to their tree stand teeming with anticipation about the possibility of an encounter.

It wasn’t long before the incredible 20-point buck stepped out into view. If that wasn’t exciting enough for Camenzind, Bures was sure to sweeten the deal by handing the rifle over and prompting her to take the shot.

The deer folded almost immediately as emotions ran high between the young couple. It was at this moment that Bures slyly suggested that the pair get changed and take some proper and professional photos with the once-in-a-lifetime buck.


When the photographer arrived, Bures got down on one knee and secured the next trophy he had his sights on – his future wife.

“Everybody has been saying they would marry him, too, if he let them shoot this big of a deer,” Camenzind told a local newspaper.

The couple has yet to set a date, but was hinting at the possibility of a fall wedding next year.

“Not during hunting season, though,” Camenzind said.

Photos: Lammer Media

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