Michigan DNR Investigating the Poaching of Two Bucks


A pair of whitetail deer turned up in a ditch in Akron Township, Michigan earlier this week and the Michigan Department of Natural Resources is reaching out to the public for help.

The remains of two bucks-an 8-point and a 9-point-were recovered by conservation officers in full velvet on August 1.

“Not only is this a crime, but it’s a tremendous waste of two beautiful animals,” said Lt. Jeremy Payne, District 6 supervisor for the DNR Law Enforcement Division told Huron Daily Tribune. “Any tips from the public will help significantly as we investigate this case. For example, if anyone saw flashlights being shined or deer in the back of a truck, we would like to know. Poaching is criminal and unethical, and the DNR wants to work with citizens to protect Michigan’s natural resources.”

Through the department’s Report All Poaching (RAP) program, those with information pertinent to the incident could be offered a cash reward.  Currently speaking, the poaching of a deer in the state of Michigan comes with misdemeanor charges along with fines amounting to $1,000, along with $1,000 in reimbursements for each animal killed and additional fines of $500 for each antler point for those animals with antlers between 8 and 10 points.

Anyone with information is encouraged to call or text the RAP line at 800-292-7800.

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