Louisiana Dentist Arrows Potential Record Whitetail


Eighteen points, three drop tines and a third main beam are just a few of the attributes being discussed surrounding a buck that has caught the nation’s attention down in Louisiana.

It is what many believe to be the next state record archery buck, and was taken by a St. Francisville dentist by the name of Dr. Frank Sullivan.

According to reports, the buck was arrowed by the orally-inclined Louisianan not far from where he works.

“I killed the deer inside the city limits — behind my dentist office,” Sullivan told Mississippi Sportsman.

The non-typical rack is rumored to reside somewhere between 220 and 230 points but Sullivan admitted that he had no idea how such a beast would be scored.

“I truly don’t even know how to score a non-typical like this,” Sullivan said. “I tried to be conservative.”

Currently speaking, the state record in Louisiana has been atop the record books since Vicki Husted killed a 227 6/8 inch buck in Tensas Parish back in 2010.  While Sullivan’s rack goes through the motions of the mandatory 60-day drying period, Deer Study leader Dave Moreland believes there is little doubt this buck will overthrow the current title holder after viewing pictures of the massive deer.

According to Sullivan, he had been chasing this deer for over a year while he personally watched the deer have multiple brushes with death.  Just a year ago, while hunting with his plumber’s son, the deer was hit with a non-fatal shot that he walked away from.  Shortly thereafter, the deer surfaced again, this time being hit by the sheriff’s granddaughter while crossing the road.

“During the rut, he got hit by the sheriff’s granddaughter crossing the road,” Sullivan said. “I was watching him 30 minutes before he got hit. I was watching him from the office with some binoculars.”

Assuming the animal had finally died, three weeks later he spotted him behind his office prompting him to once again put a push on for the animal that seemingly was invincible.

“I had all these rules I would follow,” Sullivan said. “I told my wife, ‘It’s not about what I do right — it’s going to be about what I do wrong.’ I told her I can live with someone else killing it. I could live with it getting hit by a car.

“But I couldn’t live with it if I made a mistake.”

When the shot presented itself earlier this week, Sullivan was dialed in, and with the help of a smaller buck, was able to drop the possible record-shattering buck at 25-yards.


Feature Image:  Instagram

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