Jim Shockey Asks for Help After Family Ranch Robbed, Father’s Guns Stolen


On Thursday night Jim Shockey sent out an alert via his Facebook page stating his family ranch, located outside Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, had been robbed. Jim Shockey is a prominent figure in the outdoor industry and the host of Jim Shockey’s Hunting Adventures and Jim Shockey’s Uncharted on Outdoor Channel.

The robbery took place on Sunday, January 24, 2016 and his white Cannon Safe was among the items stolen from the ranch. The real loss is what is contained within the safe, all of Jim’s father’s guns, which obviously holds a great amount of sentimental value to Jim and his family.

Among other items stolen by the thieves are a washer and dryer, television, stereo, 20-Stealthcam trail cameras, aluminum ladders and his father’s personal tools.

Jim is offering a reward for the return of his father’s firearms and the arrest and conviction of the criminals.

If you or anyone you know how any information, contact the RCMP at 306.975.1670

Please share!

I seldom ask anyone for help, but I am asking now. Please help us. My father’s guns were stolen last week and I am...

Posted by Jim Shockey on Thursday, January 28, 2016


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