Idaho Conservation Officers Seek Assistance Regarding Bull Elk Shot And Left to Waste



On Thursday, March 16, 2017, a bull elk was shot and left to waste on privately owned farm ground near White Owl Butte approximately 11 miles east of Rexburg in Madison County, ID.  There currently is no open hunting season for elk in that area.  Idaho Department of Fish & Game (IDFG) Conservation Officers have investigated the report and have determined that the elk was shot multiple times and that more than one suspect was likely involved in the poaching.

Elk tracks in the area suggest that at the time it was shot the poached bull elk was traveling with a small herd elk. The area where the poaching occurred is very popular for people to ride snow machines and for antler hunting, leading IDFG officers to believe that somebody who may have been in the area that day may have information regarding the crime.

Anyone with any information about the crime is encouraged to call IDFG Sr. Conservation Officer Andrew Sorensen at (208) 390-0632 or call the Citizens Against Poaching (CAP) hotline 1-800-632-5999.  Callers can remain anonymous and may be eligible for a reward.


The preceding is a release from the Idaho Department of Fish and Game.

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