First Yellowstone Grizzly Bear Spotted in 2016


Earlier this week Yellowstone National Park posted a photo of the first confirmed grizzly bear emerging from its den in 2016. The first grizzly activity of 2016 by the park was documented from the air as officials were conducting a wolf survey and spotted the male grizzly near the Nez Perce Creek drainage.

While some think this may be too early to spot a grizzly out of its den, the opposite is often true. This time of year is quite common to see the re-emergence of these majestic bears and this year’s sighting comes about two weeks later than 2015’s first sighting which took place on February 9th of last year.

Yellowstone National Park spokeswoman Amy Bartlett stated that this year’s sighting came only a few days after officials heard rumours of bear activity in the park. The park has since warned visitors to be aware of the possibility of bears in the area and to always carry bear spray as a precaution.

H/T: Bozeman Daily Chronicle

Photo: Yellowstone National Park Facebook Page

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