Firefighters Rescue Pair of Deer Fawns from Arizona Wildfires


Blazing for over a week now, firefighters have been battling the Goodwin Fire in central Arizona day and night since the fire began.  Scorching roughly 25,000 acres of the Prescott National Forest since the blaze erupted on June 24th.

On Friday evening, an elite team of firefighters battling the heart of the fire came across a pair of deer fawns in obvious distress.  Without their mother, the deer were scared but unharmed when firefighters found them.

Acting quickly, the deer were scooped up by firefighters and brought to a secure area.  As the night and day shifts were changing, the health of one of the deer began to deteriorate.  This caused fire officials to bring in the Arizona Game and Fish Department, who together, nursed the deer back to a stable condition.

The animals have since been transferred to a rehabilitation center and are scheduled for release when they are old enough to get along on their own.

With more than 650 emergency personnel on the ground in an effort to contain the fires, we would like to take the opportunity to thank all of the first responders involved in the effort as well as those who battle fires on a daily basis across America.

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