Staten Island Deer Vasectomy Season Comes to a Close


  As ridiculous as the notion might sound, Staten Island’s deer vasectomy season has closed, for now.  As the island’s population of bucks breathe a sigh of temporary relief, researchers and biologists from White Buffalo, the organization performing the surgeries, will assess the data collected before commencing the surgical process again in August. So far […]

Iowa Man Pleads Guilty to Poaching 200+ Inch Buck


  It was December 11, 2016, when an Iowa man spotted the deer of a lifetime in a cornfield.  What would have been the conclusion to a perfect, hard-earned hunt, was anything but in this case. Brett Cranston, 41, spotted the deer from his vehicle, and after retrieving his shotgun, fired at the deer from […]

Pennsylvania Records Largest Buck Harvest Since 2002


  Pennsylvania’s buck harvest increased 9 percent, and the overall deer harvest was up 6 percent, in the 2016-17 seasons, which closed in January, the Pennsylvania Game Commission reported today. Hunters harvested an estimated 333,254 deer in 2016-17 – an increase of about 6 percent compared to the 2015-16 harvest of 315,813. Of those, 149,460 […]

Michigan Bans Chocolate for Bear Baiting, Increases Lower Peninsula License Quotas


  Late last week, Michigan’s Department of Natural Resources approved bear hunting regulations for the 2017-2018 hunting seasons, outlining a number of new changes scheduled to begin this year. “We presented recommendations for the upcoming years based on input we received from department staff and stakeholders from across the state. We are happy to see […]

Missouri Forecasts Good Spring Turkey Season for Hunters


  JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. – Missouri turkey hunters can expect a good spring season overall according to the Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC). The spring turkey hunting season starts with a youth-only weekend April 8-9. The regular spring season runs April 17 through May 7. Although four consecutive years of poor hatches caused Missouri’s turkey […]

Utah Preparing for State Takeover of Public Lands


  While the sentiment seems to be positive, at least among the Republicans in the state of Utah, public lands advocates remain cautious as yet another controversial bill was passed late Thursday.  HB407, a provision in the Utah Public Land Management Act, was quietly passed and is one of the many pieces of the framework […]

Texas Wildlife Association Releases Statement on on Warfarin-Based Feral Hog Toxicant


  San Antonio – Texas Wildlife Association (TWA) recognizes the ecological and agricultural damage that feral hogs create across Texas.  As such, TWA is a staunch proponent of effective and responsible control of feral hog populations.  However, the recent announcement by the Texas Department of Agriculture approving the use of a Warfarin-based feral hog toxicant […]

Two Charged in Heinous North Dakota Poaching Incident


  A disturbing video surfaced in the fall of 2016 as a group of young men were videotaped dragging a deer from North Dakota’s Cannonball River and violently stabbing and suffocating it to death. The video depicts six or seven men participating in the unsettling event which sparked outrage across both the hunting and non-hunting […]

Despite Four Fatalities, 2016 Marks Safest Year on Record for NY Hunters


  The State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) announced today that the 2016 hunting season in New York had only 13 hunting-related shooting incidents, the lowest number on record since DEC began compiling hunting-related shooting statistics in 1958. “Hunting is a proud tradition in New York State that continues to be safely enjoyed by hundreds […]

Wyoming Wolf Hunting Season Possible for 2017


  In a delisting rule in 2012, the U.S Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) removed Wyoming’s wolves from under the protection of the Endangered Species Act.  The decision was retracted not soon after when a federal District Court judge reinstated federal protection in 2014 after stating it was of their belief that the U.S. Fish […]

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