New World Record Archery Buck Crowned to Nevada Bowhunter


  Joined by his son, Aaron, Frank Cheeney set out on his archery mule deer hunt in southeastern Nevada, unknowingly about to set a new world record. “My son Aaron and I headed out a bit late that morning, and we began glassing the area as soon as we arrived,” said Frank Cheeney. “We spotted […]

Moose Meat and Bear Penises: New Brunswick Poacher Slapped with $15K in Fines


  A Plaster Rock, NB man seemingly had it all, hundreds of pounds of moose and bear meat and other obscure animal parts including the bones from five bear penises.  His collection was uncovered during a 2015 investigation spanning over 60 separate wildlife violation charges that were spawned after six Canadians and two Americans were […]

Arizona Officials Confiscate Kidnapped Deer Fawn


  The Arizona Game and Fish Department took possession of a “kidnapped” deer fawn during a recent traffic stop in Wickenburg. AZGFD wildlife managers received a tip that a deer fawn was being kept inside a single-wide home and yard with three dogs. While being surveilled by the wildlife managers, the residents were seen placing […]

Utah Man Faces $20,000 Fine for Poaching Elk


  A multi-year investigation has finally concluded as a Utah man was finally sentenced for the felony killing and waste of a bull elk outside of Pioche, Nevada. The investigation began in August of 2015 after a bull elk carcass was recovered after it was shot, the head removed and the rest of the animal […]

Florida Legislation Aims to Place a 10-Year Ban on Bear Hunting


  Scheduled for a hearing today with Florida’s Senate Environmental Preservation and Conservation Committee is Bill 1304, a controversial bill that would see bear hunting in the Sunshine State go on a 10-year hiatus. Veering away from the science-based model of wildlife management, the state of Florida has been under intense pressure to do away […]

Poaching and Wasting Game Elevated to a Felony in New Mexico


  In an effort to hammer poachers, New Mexico Game and Fish announced earlier this month that new legislation had been passed, elevating the crime of wasting game from a misdemeanor to a felony. Poachers that kill bighorn sheep, ibex, oryx, Barbary sheep, elk, deer or pronghorn without a license or out of season and […]

Harsh Winter Prompts Deep Cuts to Eastern Oregon Deer Tags


  With snow exceeding 18 inches in depth in some areas paired with colder than normal temperatures, it is no secret this past winter was hard on wildlife in the west.  Reaching at least the freezing mark for 28 consecutive days, the conditions took a particularly hard toll on the mule deer in the eastern […]

Oregon Man Arrested for Poaching Upwards of 25 Elk


  In another egregious case of illegal wildlife killing, a 69-year-old Oregon man has been charged with poaching and wasting at least 12 elk found dead on his property – and perhaps up to 13 more found on a neighboring property. Earlier in the week officials placed Larry Harshfield, operator of the Harshfield Ranch located […]

Mississippi Buck Officially Crowned State Record


  After the prerequisite 60-day drying period, the Boone and Crockett Club made it official last month and crowned Earl Stubblefield’s beautiful 12-point buck as Mississippi’s new archery state record. After closely watching the deer for about three years through trail camera surveillance, the Oxford hunter was finally given his opportunity on this once-in-a-lifetime buck […]

Elk Population Survey Completed in Northwestern Minnesota


  Minnesota’s elk range in northwestern Minnesota has three herds with a total of 79 elk, according to the annual aerial elk population survey completed by the Department of Natural Resources in Kittson, Marshall and Roseau counties. Past surveys recorded 83 elk in 2016 and 131 in 2015. “The variability we’re seeing in these numbers […]

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