Wyoming Inches Closer to Grizzly Bear Hunt

With last year’s de-listing announcement, Wyoming officials are taking the necessary steps to properly manage the budding population by proposing possible hunting seasons.
The Continued Spread of CWD: Cases in Missouri, Texas, Pennsylvania and Arkansas

Where there’s smoke, there’s fire.
Look Up! It’s Elk Survey Season in Michigan

With another successful season in the books for Michigan’s elk hunters, the state’s Department of Natural Resources is getting fired up for survey season. With hunter harvest data compiled, officials with Michigan’s wildlife management department are gassing up aerial vessels and are ready to once again assess the elk population. It Wasn’t Always Done This […]
“Santa Claus” Delivers an Unbeatable Gift to the QDMA

Depending on your behavior over the preceding 12 months, you and your loved ones likely received a visit from the fella in the big red suit. While some gifts may be incomparable in nature, the gift bestowed upon our friends at the Quality Deer Management Association (QDMA) was one for the ages. Santa Came Early […]
LSU Scientist Makes CWD Testing Breakthrough, Paves Road for Vaccine

Chronic wasting disease has dominated headlines since its initial discovery roughly 30 years ago and does not show much sign of slowing down. With new cases popping up in places such as Montana, where the disease had yet to be found, scientists, biologists and hunters alike are scrambling to contain the deadly condition. Last week, […]
Seven Deer Poached in Utah

KANE COUNTY (RELEASE) — During the months of October and November, within about a two-week period, seven deer were poached and left to waste in Kane County. The first incident occurred at the end of October. Four deer were found poached within approximately 200 yards of one another. The deer included a doe, a fawn, […]
Mouth Disease Infiltrating Yellowstone Bighorns

Scabbed lips and exposed teeth are taking away from the beauty of some of Yellowstone’s most majestic residents. Five bighorn sheep in the park have been sporting the frightening appearance after an outbreak of sore mouth disease in the region. Officials with Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks and the National Park Service have stated that […]
Montana CWD Hunt Sells Out in 3 Hours

If there was ever a doubt Montana and area hunters would pass up an opportunity to extend their hunt while aiding in the fight against chronic wasting disease, it’s long since passed. As part of a special CWD hunt, set to kick off on Friday, Montana officials released 1,200 special B hunting licenses for sale […]
Special CWD Mule Deer Hunt Proposed by Montana FWP

Following two confirmed cases of chronic wasting disease (CWD), Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks has released the details on a special CWD mule deer hunt. Awaiting the approval of the Fish and Wildlife Commission, the hunt is a key piece of Montana’s chronic wasting disease plan that is still in the draft process. Labelled as […]
Minnesota Buck Harvested with Ear Tags Reading ‘Don’t Miss’

Shrouded in mystery, Minnesota officials are looking for the person or persons who placed large red ear tags on a 10-point buck that read “Don’t Miss.” The deer was shot a week ago in the Lanesboro area by a licensed hunter inside the state’s special disease management zone for chronic wasting disease. Over the course […]