Bobcat Hides Under Truck, Bites Warden in Rescue


Warden Regan Dean of the Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks Region 3 got himself into an interesting situation earlier this week after he encountered a bobcat in the middle of the highway.  The bobcat continually went underneath his truck and the warden managed to finally capture the animal with help from a passery-by.

On Friday, the Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks Region 3 posted images from the encounter to their Facebook page with accompanying pictures.

Our wardens can get themselves into some interesting situations! These photos were sent over by Warden Regan Dean, who...

Posted by Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks (Region 3) on Friday, February 19, 2016

The posts states that the rescuers secured the animal with a rope and the warden then wrapped the bobcat in his jacket before releasing it at a nearby fishing access site.  During the release, the bobcat took a bite out of the warden and sent him on his way for his first round of rabies shots.

All in a day’s work!

FWP’s Region 3 is located in southwest Montana and includes the counties of Beaverhead, Broadwater, Gallatin, Jefferson, Lewis & Clark, Madison, Park, Silver Bow, and part of Deer Lodge. The region encompasses 18,089 square miles, which is more than 12% of the total land area of Montana.

Image: Facebook

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