Arizona Hunter Takes Potential World Record Non-Typical Coues Deer



A little over a year ago, Arizona hunter Terry Edwards took an incredible Coues deer with his bow, one that Pope and Young believes will become the new non-typical world record.

Often regarded as one of the more difficult big game species to hunt, these small deer found in Arizona, New Mexico and Mexico have a reputation for disappearing into the faintest amount of brush.  Often referred to as the “gray ghost” by hunters due to both the animal’s extreme wariness and the habitat in which the animal can survive in.

The initial score of Edwards’ Coues deer was 141 5/8 but is still subject to Panel Judging verification before being officially crowned a world record.  Edwards describes the experience as one he won’t soon forget, reminiscing about hunting with his father as a young man.

“My heart was racing and I could hear it beating loud in my ears. My hunting partner Trevor Chapman shared many words of excitement as we followed the blood trail. I knew I had shot one of the biggest deer I had ever laid eyes on, but little did I know he would be a potential P&Y World’s Record. I was just happy to fill my tag. The terrain was treacherous and thick with dense oak trees and waist-high brush. Any Coues deer hunter knows that such habitat is prime big buck country. After tracking the buck and finally being able to put my hands on this ghost-like creature, I felt a sense of accomplishment and pride. This moment put all my hunting efforts into perspective. This was why my father took me hunting since I was a kid; this was why he taught me all I know about hunting. It was through my father’s knowledge and character that I grew up loving the outdoors. I thank God and my father for blessing me with such an amazing animal… an animal of a lifetime.”

The animal along with about 100 other trophies from across North America are set to be part of Pope & Young’s 30th Biennium Big-Game Trophy Exhibit in St. Louis this April.


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