Alaska Man Cited After Harassing Moose in Online Video

As phones continue to get smarter, we tend to, well, get dumber.

As phones continue to get smarter, we tend to, well, get dumber.

This fact was on display last month as an Alaska man went the way of anyone doing something stupid these days – by filming himself in the act.

Rolling along the iced-over Yukon River on his four-wheeler, the accused came upon a calf moose and promptly whipped out his phone to capture the moment. Rather than slowing down and letting the animal get ahead, he leaned on the throttle, looking to see just what both the moose and his atv were capable of.

While both were sure-footed, the moose ultimately slipped on the ice and looked to have been nearly injured, but certainly distressed.

Going the way of damn near every other idiot nowadays, he couldn’t help but share his footage with the world. Posting the video up to his Facebook profile, the footage eventually captivated an audience from the Alaska Department of Public Safety who launched an investigation into the incident.

The troopers determined from the footage was enough to cite Elliot Edwards, 38, of Pilot Station with “using a motor vehicle to harass, herd, drive or molest game.” 

According to a release from the department:

“The moose attempted to get to safety multiple times, but was unable because of high river banks. The four-wheeler continued to chase the moose until it slipped on the ice.

“[An] investigation determined on January 29, 2024, Edwards used a red Honda four-wheeler to chase a calf moose until it slipped on the ice.”

Edwards is scheduled for arraignment on March 7th.

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