13 New CWD Cases Found at Texas Breeding Facility



Texas Parks and Wildlife officials have confirmed that they have uncovered 13 new cases of chronic wasting disease at a deer breeding facility in southern Texas.  With these new cases, the state total has now risen to 25 individual cases of the disease.

Last week’s findings marked the highest rate of CWD found at any Texas deer breeding operation, but officials have not named the facility in question.

The next steps involve both the Texas Animal Health Commission and the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department as they work closely with the owner of the facility to establish an effective plan for gauging the extent of the disease at the facility and the necessary steps to rectify it.

The new confirmed cases at the Medina County area facility come only a month after the state passed additional rules and regulations for deer breeding facilities across Texas.  The tightened regulations were imposed to limit the movement of breeder deer around the state and increase both live and post-mortem testing for the disease.

All in all, the commission tested 33 samples from the facility which yielded the 13 positive cases of the disease.


H/T: My Statesman


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